Detailed Message Logs

You can access additional information about a particular email by clicking the โ€žMoreโ€ option in the โ€žActionsโ€ column.

  • Sent on: this is when your message was sent from our system.

  • From: this is the sender's email address.

  • Subject: this is the messageโ€™s subject.

  • Status: information about the final status that the message received.

  • State date: this is when the recipient server accepted or rejected the message.

  • Details: this is the additional information received from the recipient server.

  • Opened on: here, you can check if the message was opened and the opening time.

  • Clicked on: here, it can be tracked if the URLs in the message content were opened and when the recipient clicked them.

  • Click details: here, which URLs were opened and the time they were clicked is shown.

  • Size of message: this is the total message size, including attachments

Message logs can be downloaded by API. API Documentation can be found here.

Remember that the message logs expire after a particular time (TTL) determined by a pain plan on which your account operates. You can find more details on our pricing list:

โฌ…๏ธ Detailed instructions for each panel section under the 'E-mail' tab can be found in the drop-down menu on the left.

Last updated