Feedback Loop Yahoo

The instructions are intended for individuals who have a personalized DKIM key.

  1. If you don't have a Yahoo account, create one.

  2. Visit the following website:

  3. Proceed to fill out a new CFL application.

  4. Complete the form with the following details:

    • Selector: DKIM key selector

    • Domain: Domain as recorded in the DKIM key as 'D'

    • Contact Email: The email address where Yahoo can send service-related information.

  1. After filling out the form, you should enter the verification code sent to the postmaster@yourdomain address.

  2. Once the code is entered, the service will be activated after a certain period.

To ensure the accuracy of the entered data, check your DKIM configuration in the EmailLabs panel.

Feedback Loop Registration in Practice

EmailLabs Key

  1. In this case, enter 'emaillabs' in the Selector field, and fill in the Domain field according to your chosen preferences

  1. If you are sending from multiple domains and have selected the 'EmailLabs Key' option, you need to complete the form on the Yahoo page as many times as you have domains for sending, entering a different domain each time in the 'Domain' field.

  2. If you selected the 'Your Key' option and entered your domain, you need to do the same in the form on the Yahoo website.

Individual DKIM Key

  1. In this case, you should check the selector and the domain that were set during the DKIM key addition process.

  2. Next, enter the exact same selector and domain in the form.

Last updated