Sending and Deliverability
How can I improve the deliverability rate of my emails?
Several factors influence deliverability rates. We recommend regularly cleaing your database, avoiding spam traps, ensuring high-quality email content, and following email sending best practices. For more tips, visit our email deliverability blog.
How can I check if my email will land in SPAM folder?
Our system does not have this feature, but you can assess the likelihood of your email being classified as spam by using the free tool Mailchecker. Simply send your message to the address generated by the tool, and you will receive a response with feedback on which parameters need improvement to reduce the risk of being marked as SPAM.
How often should I update my email recipient list?
We recommend regularly updating your recipient database to remove inactive users, correct invalid email addresses, and add new subscribers to maintain a high-quality recipient list.
What is the email sending limit and how can I increase it?
Email sending limits specify the maximum number of emails that can be sent within a given timeframe. The Startup plan has a daily sending limit of 300 emails. Some plans also have a monthly limit. If you need to increase your sending limit, please contact our Sales Team at to discuss your requirements and adjust your plan accordingly.
Can I check the annual number of emails I have sent?
The Dashboard tab provides statistical data on the sent emails. To see the exact number of emails sent over the past year, use the chart by selecting the desired period and choosing the “Injected” status.
Additionally, statistical data in the Dashboard tab is archived indefinitely, allowing you to review the results of past email sends at any time.
For more information:
Does the EmailLabs panel provide information on sending statuses?
Yes, the EmailLabs panel offers an extensive analytics section that allows you to verify the status of your sendings. For more information about our report visit the tab below: Analytics Panel
What are the common causes of receiving a 550 error message?
A 550 error typically indicates that the email was rejected due to the recipient server's anti-spam policy or because the email address does not exist.
What does the message 'Receipient address rejected: User unknown' mean?
This message means the recipient's email address doesn't exist on the receiving server, resulting in a hardbounce with the specified message.
How to remove an address from the Blacklist?
First, determine whether the listing is for a domain or an IP address. IP addresses are more commonly placed on the Blacklist; for a domain to be listed, the sender must have consistently low-quality sending.
There are tools available, such as mxtoolbox, where you can check whether an IP address or domain is on the Blacklist. If you find yourself listed, check if there is an option for automatic delisting on the Administrator’s website. If this option is not available, the only way to remove yourself from the Blacklist is to contact the Administrator directly.
It’s important to note that the Administrator is not obligated to remove a domain or IP address from their Blacklist. Therefore, it’s crucial to clearly explain the situation and provide a well-justified request for delisting in your communication.
Can I manually add and remove addresses from the Blacklist?
Yes, in EmailLabs, you can both add and remove addresses from the blacklist.
For more information: Blacklist
Is it possible to export the Blacklist?
Yes, but for the Startup package, this is only possible via API. More information can be found in the API documentation. For PRO and higher packages, you can download the blacklist directly from the panel.
How long are records in the Blacklist report stored in the EmailLabs panel?
By default, records in the Blacklist report aren't automatically deleted by the EmailLabs system. You can adjust the retention period for blacklist entries based on your needs. This can be changed in the EmailLabs Panel under 'Administrator' -> 'General settings' -> 'Validity of entries on the blacklist.
What is a Whitelist?
Whitelists are used when you want to ensure that a message always reaches a specific recipient and is not blocked by EmailLabs’ blacklist. They are especially useful for internal communication or for key clients who must receive all messages. Whitelists are automatically activated on all accounts. After logging into the EmailLabs panel, select the “Reports” tab -> “Black List.” Here, you will find the “Whitelist” button.
After selecting this feature, two fields will appear. In the first, enter the domain or specific email address, and in the second, provide a valid reason for adding it to the whitelist.
For more information:
What are Spam Traps?
Spam traps are email addresses used by email providers and anti-spam organizations to identify spammers. These addresses are then added to blacklists and blocked by providers.
Spam traps help protect many mailboxes from unwanted correspondence. However, if such an address is found in your email list, it can negatively impact your sender reputation and deliverability.
Can I enable Event API (Webhooks) for a specific subaccount?
Yes, you can receive webhooks for selected subaccounts. To set this up, navigate to "Administrator" -> 'API' -> 'Event AP Settings (webhooks), and then enable the 'webhook_perSMT|P' option.
Why am I not receiving webhooks for the 'OK' status after enabling Event API for my account?
By default, Event API Logs (webhooks) fot the 'OK' status are disabled to ensure security and data transmission effciency. If you wish to enable this feature, please contact our Support Team at to activate it on your account.
How do I enable the one-clik unsubscribe option?
To configure your emails to iclude the one-click unsubscribe function, go to the EmailLabs panel under 'SMTP accounts' -> 'Settings' -> 'Unsubscribe' -> 'List-unsubscribe'. Check the List-unsubscribe option and save changes.
Can I find email template in EmailLabs?
EmailLabs provides its clients with external server infrastructure for sending ordered emails (transactional and marketing). As such, our service is not an email-sending system. The client needs to have this type of tool on their side. The EmailLabs panel is solely for monitoring and controlling sent emails. It does not allow for email generation. Therefore, we do not offer email templates to our clients. However, if you are sending emails via API, you can place your prepared templates in the EmailLabs panel. In this case, only the variables are sent, which our system will insert into the email templates before sending them to recipients.
For more information: Message Templates
Does EmailLabs have limits with SMTP integration? What is the maximum number of concurrent connections, messages per connection, and messages per minute?
For the shared server, the throughput is up to 60,000 messages per hour. If a client has a dedicated IP, this limit increases to 100,000 messages. The limit can be increased after consultation with the Sales Department ( The connection limit is approximately 50 simultaneous connections.
Can I check if my message will land in the SPAM folder?
Our system does not have this functionality, but you can check the likelihood of your email being placed in the SPAM folder using the free tool MailChecker. After sending a message to the address generated by the tool, you will receive feedback on which parameters need improvement to avoid being marked as spam.
Last updated