Integration Steps
Last updated
Last updated
Sign in to your IdoSell dashboard.
From the main settings menu, choose âADMINISTRACJAâ > âKonfiguracja kont email i SMSâ.
In the âKonfiguracja kont email i SMSâ menu, find the domain you want to configure SMTP settings for and click the âwybierzâ option right next to it.
Next, choose the "Dodaj nowe konto email" option.
Proceed to fill in the following fields:
Nazwa nadawcy: enter your senderâs name.
Email nadawcy: enter the from email address that will be used to send your messages.
Typ konta: choose the "wysyĹane z innego serwera pocztowego po protokole SMTP" option.
Adres serwera SMTP: enter the SMTP host address provided by EmailLabs
Port: enter one of the suggested SMTP ports â 587 or 465.
PoĹÄ czenie szyfrowane: select "STARTTLS" with port 587 or "SSL" with port 465.
Login: enter your SMTP account name in this particular format:
HasĹo: use the password you set in the SMTP accounts tab > Active accounts > Actions > Change password.
After entering all the credentials, click the âDodajâ button to approve the new settings.
When the new email account with an external SMTP server is configured, your IdoSell panel is ready to use to send messages.