Sender Authorization

What is Sender Authorization?

The Sender Authorization function allows you to add domains used for sending emails through our EmailLabs service directly within the panel. This helps secure your account against unauthorized use by third parties.

Moreover, this feature enables the configuration of four DNS records: DKIM, DMARC, Tracking, and Return Path. Adding these records to your domain's DNS settings significantly improves your email deliverability rates. For more information, click here: From Domain Authorization - Configurator

How to authorize a domain?

In the Sender Authorization section (Administrator > Sender Authorization), add all the sending domains you plan to use for your mailings. Our system will then generate the necessary records for you to add to your domain's DNS settings. This configuration not only sets up essential authentication protocols but also protects your account from unauthorized sending using unapproved domains.

IMPORTANT: If your account was created before January 30, 2024, please notify our Customer Support at after adding and propagating the DNS entries. After receiving your email, our team will switch your account to the new authorization method.

Where can I add a new sending domain?

The new sending domain can be added in the EmailLabs panel in Admin > Sender Authorization tab.

Can I authorize email address?

In the EmailLabs panel, you can’t authorize your email address. But in the Sender Authorization tab, you can add your sending domain.

What do the records in the panel mean?

DKIM (Domain Keys Identified Mail) This record helps protect your domain from spoofing and enables sender authentication. It ensures that sending emails from domains not added in the EmailLabs panel is not possible. Configuring this record is mandatory.

Tracking Subdomain Setting up a subdomain for link tracking allows you to monitor email opens and clicks on links within the email. This provides insights into which emails were opened and when recipients clicked through to the linked content. If you don’t need this information, configuring this record is optional.

Return-Path Subdomain Configuring a Return-Path subdomain allows you to create a custom Return-Path header. This aligns the Return-Path domain with the From address domain, which is recommended by providers like Google and Yahoo.

DMARC (Domain-based Message Authentication, Reporting & Conformance) This authentication method lets senders specify actions to be taken if an email fails DMARC policy checks. There are three levels of enforcement: one neutral and two strict.

Neutral Policy (p=none): Allows verification of incoming emails against security measures (SPF, DKIM) without further actions.

Strict Policy (p=quarantine or p=reject): DMARC checks incoming emails, and if they fail the security requirements, it either sends them to quarantine (spam folder) or rejects them entirely.

What does the β€œWaiting” status mean in the Sender Authorization Tab?

When you see the status β€œwaiting” for your domain records in the Sender Authorization tab, your domains were added to the previous authorization method. Please compare the existing records with the new ones and update them. Then please validate them by using the 'check' button.

Where should I add the records from the EmailLabs panel?

Add the records generated by the EmailLabs system to your domain's DNS settings in your hosting panel.

How to add records to your domain's DNS?

The process for adding records to your domain's DNS depends on your hosting system.

Check out our guide for detailed instructions:a From Domain Authorization - Configurator In the left menu, you'll find configuration examples for the most popular hosting systems.

How to verify if the records are visible to the system?

To check the propagation status of your changes, click the 'check' button in the Sender Authorization section for your added domain.

I added DNS records and still get a 'Failed' status - what should I do?

If you click the 'check' button and receive a 'failed' status, it could mean:

  • The DNS changes are still propagating, which can take up to 24 hours. We recommend checking the status again later by clicking the 'check' button.

  • The DNS records were added incorrectly - verify that the records are entered according to your hosting provider’s requirements and the EmailLabs instructions.

From Domain Authorization - Configurator

My sending receives the message: β€œRecipient address rejected: 1.myaccount.smtp is not allowed to send from”

This message indicates that an email was sent from a domain that isn’t authorized in the EmailLabs panel. Please go to the Administrator > Sender Authorization tab and add the appropriate domain.

You can find the configuration instructions here: From Domain Authorization - Configurator

Do I need to set up DKIM for all domains for authentication to work?

Yes, configuring DKIM authentication is essential for sender authorization to function.

Can I change the DKIM selector?

Yes, you can change the DKIM selector to any string or letters and numbers, such as 'plpl'. The maximum length for the selector is 7 characters.

I already have DMARC configured. Do I need to change it?

No, if you already have a DMARC record for your domain, you don’t need to change it. You can continue using your current one or change it to the one prepared by EmailLabs.

Can I set two DMARC records for my sending domain?

You should configure only one DMARC policy for a single sending domain. Adding two DMARC records in your domain's DNS can lead to errors when the receiving server tries to process incoming emails, as they don't know which record to apply. Correct DMARC configurations require a single record per domain.

Do I need to add all records from the EmailLabs panel?

Adding all records generated by the EmailLabs system isn’t mandatory. However, we recommend implementing all four records for optimal email deliverability.

My records in the panel received "Accepted" status – what's next?

If your account was created after January 30, 2024, you can now begin sending using your authorized domain. Otherwise, please email After receiving your inquiry, our team will activate new sender authorization on your account.

I've received an 'accepted' status. Why isn't my sending working?

If your account was created before January 30, 2024, this function isn't enabled by default. Please email After receiving your inquiry, our team will activate new sender authorization on your account.

Can I enable authorization for one domain first, then others later?

Sender authorization is enabled per account or sub-account, so we recommend authorizing all sending domains at once.

Will I receive a confirmation after configuration from your side?

Once the Support Team activates this function, you’ll receive a confirmation email.

Last updated