Changing the Administrator or Company Data
Go to the 'Administrator tab' > 'My profile.'
There, you can find three sections:
Update user,
Update company data,
Change password.
In the “Update user” section, you can see the Administrator information you entered during registration. To change the Administrator data, contact our Support Team at Please send us the username, first and last name, and phone number of the new account administrator.
In this section, you can also decide if you want to receive the weekly report about your sendings, and – if you use the Essential plan – you can turn off the SMS alerts about using up your monthly email limit.
Go to the „Update company data” section.
If needed, you can update your company address, website, and email address, to which we will send you the invoices.
To change your company’s name or tax number, send us a request at
⬅️ Detailed instructions for each panel section under the "My Profile" tab can be found in the drop-down menu on the left.
Last updated