Authorizing the Domain hosted by

  1. Sign in to your dashboard.

  2. Go to the β€žParkowanie domeny” tab.

  3. Localize and select the β€žRΔ™czna konfiguracja DNS” option.

  4. You can find the β€žZMIEŃ” section at the bottom of the page. Choose this option to manually configure your DNS settings.

  5. You should be able to see the option to add a new DNS record. Select the β€œDodaj kolejny rekord” option.

  6. Select β€žCNAME” as the record type.

  7. In the β€žNazwa” field, enter the domain with the character string β€œ_domainkey”.

  8. In the β€žwartość” field, enter the correct value generated in the EmailLabs panel.

  9. Click on the β€žZatwierdź” button to save the changes.

  10. Wait for the changes to be approved by the DNS system. Depending on the system’s TTL, it may take a few minutes or hours.

  11. You can check the DKIM configuration status by clicking the β€œCheck” button in the EmailLabs panel. If it changes to "accepted", the authorization was correctly completed.

If you need further assistance, contact your hosting provider's Support Team for more detailed instructions.

Last updated