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The Footer application allows you to add a footer to your emails, which will be placed at the bottom of each sent message. It can contain your contact information, website URLS, privacy policy, and other essential information.
To configure Footer settings, go to SMTP Accounts tab > Settings > Footer, select the “Turned on” option and enter your prepared footer:
HTML: when this option is selected, our system will add the footer placed in the HTML textbox to an email in the HTML format. You can use HTML code to format and choose the footer's style.
Text: when choosing the Text option, our system will add the footer placed in the Text textbox to an email in the text format.
After your configuration, use the “Create” button to activate the Footer in your emails.
⬅️ Detailed instructions for each panel section under the 'Functionalities' tab can be found in the drop-down menu on the left.