Integration Steps
Sign into your Selly dashboard.
Go to the "KONFIGURACJA" tab > "Konfiguracja podstawowa".
After opening the "Konfiguracja podstawowa" menu, choose "Obsługa SSL" option.
Choose the "tak" checkbox to enable SSL encryption.
Go to the "Parametry wysyłki newslettera (SMTP)" or "Parametry email (SMTP)" option and proceed to fill in the following fields.
Adres email nadawcy: enter the from email address that will be used to send your messages.
Nazwa nadawcy: enter your sender’s name.
Serwer SMTP: enter the SMTP host address provided by EmailLabs
Port serwera SMTP: choose port 465.
Użytkownik: enter your SMTP account name in this particular format:
Hasło: use the password you set in the SMTP accounts tab > Active accounts > Actions > Change password.
Next, click the „Zapisz” button to approve the new settings.
After finishing the configuration steps, try to send a test message to ensure the integration works correctly.
Last updated