Without the Plug-in

  1. Open the „functions.php” file in your WordPress template.

  2. Adjust the code below to your integration credentials and email settings and then paste it into the file.

function send_smtp_email( $phpmailer )
        	// Information that we are sending via SMTP
        	// SMTP server name
        	$phpmailer->Host = „smtp.emaillabs.net.pl”;
       	        // SMTP authentication (true/false)
        	$phpmailer->SMTPAuth = true;
      	        // SMTP port number – 25 (no encryption),
                //587 (tls encryption)12          $phpmailer->Port = „587”;
     	        // EmailLabs smtp account name
     	       $phpmailer->Username = „ACCOUNT NAME”;
     	        // EmailLabs smtp account password
      	        $phpmailer->Password = „PASSWORD”;
     	        // Connection encryption – tls
                // or do not call the method
                $phpmailer->SMTPSecure = „tls”;
    	        $phpmailer->From = „Your email address”;

In the last step, try sending a test message to ensure that integration was done correctly.

Last updated