Cloud Computing

Will the personal data entrusted for processing be processed in the cloud?

Yes, our service constitutes a specific form of public cloud computing, entirely created and managed by Vercom S.A. We do not use a third-party cloud service provider; instead, we are the provider. In understanding cloud computing, it encompasses not just commonly known resources or 'virtual space,' but also services, infrastructure, and platforms for application development. It should be identified as a hybrid solution, combining service, platform, and infrastructure. The term CPaaS (Communications Platform as a Service) has also become popular, referring to a solution dedicated to communication between businesses and their customers via a specialized platform that organizes this communication process.

Are external audits conducted for the cloud services provided?

Yes, a security audit based on the OWASP TOP 10 vulnerabilities and the OWASP ASVS methodology is conducted. Additionally, audits are performed in relation to ISO 27001 and ISO 27018 certification.

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