Data Controller

Have the principles for exercising the rights of data subjects (to information, access to data and their copies, rectification or completion of data, deletion of data, restriction of processing, data portability, objection, and not being subject to automatic profiling) been implemented?

Yes, to the extent that these obligations rest with Vercom S.A. as the Data Controller. Vercom supports Data Controllers in fulfilling their legal obligations to the necessary extent. Vercom's solutions are not database management systems, so functionalities in this area may be limited.

Does the processor maintain a register of data subject requests?

As a processor, we do not maintain a register of data subject requests, as these matters fall under the responsibility of the Data Controller.

All requests from Data Subjects that we receive are promptly forwarded to the Data Controllers in accordance with the processing agreement, and the requesting party is informed that the data has been forwarded to the Controller. The processor supports the Data Controllers in fulfilling their obligation to respond to data subject requests.

Are there designated persons responsible for maintaining contact with the Controller entrusting the processing?


The first line of support is the business manager and Customer Service Office. Each Data Controller also has the option to contact the Data Protection Officer (DPO) directly.

Last updated