Network Security

Is the internal network separated from the Internet by Firewall/IPS/IDS devices?


PBI - 04 Use of IT Resources by Users 1.2; PBI - 05 Use of Resources - Administrators 1.2.

Do only authorized personnel have access to network devices?


Are there contingency plans for network devices, and are they implemented?


Do we provide filtering/blocking measures for incoming and outgoing network traffic to protect data and resources from intentional or accidental breaches of confidentiality, integrity, or availability?


Is access to the wireless network monitored for unauthorized access?


What security measures are implemented at the interface with the public network?

The wireless network is separated from the internal LAN by firewall rules. Access to the local network and remote networks (e.g., the Internet) is granted based on a request from the employee's supervisor, submitted via an email request to the system administrator to assign system permissions and access to IT resources (login, password, email), or directly by the department manager. This includes allowing and blocking access to websites. The organization specifies which URLs are blocked and which are allowed.

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