Physical Security

Are physical security measures implemented in the building (e.g., camera systems, secure locks, ID badges, access control)?

Yes. Access to the building is restricted to authorized personnel only, with all entrances secured by personal access cards. The building is a Premium class office building.

As outlined in the Security Measures section.

Based on a risk analysis, have appropriate organizational and technical measures been implemented to ensure an adequate level of security for the confidentiality, integrity, availability, and resilience of systems and services?


Is access to the premises under the Processor's control restricted after working hours for third parties, and is access for cleaning staff and security personnel closely supervised?

Only authorized personnel have access, with all entrances secured by personal access cards. In the office buildings where we work, no personal data entrusted to us for processing is stored. All personal data entrusted to us is stored in an external data center that meets the highest security standards and is subject to multi-level security - SOC 2 certification. After working hours, cleaning staff or, in exceptional situations, building security may be present in the office building. This is outlined in our procedures related to the implemented ISO 27001. We have NDA agreements signed with all individuals, including cleaning staff who work after hours. However, areas where data is stored are NOT accessible to third parties after working hours.

Last updated